
He Muka Tangata / Māori Leadership

Tuia ki runga, tuia ki raro, tuia te muka tangata.
Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te ao, tīhei mauri ora!

Unite above, unite below, unite the threads of people.
The night is felt, the day is felt, oh! T’is the breath of life.

He Muka Tangata is an Upskills public Te Puni Kōkiri cadetship for kaimahi Māori working in operational roles across many organisations and sectors.

In this course, we join two kaupapa – the New Zealand Level 3 Certificate in Business, Team Leadership, which empowers individuals to lead with confidence and the Te Puni Kōkiri Cadetship programme which aims to develop, mentor and train Māori staff at all career stages into higher-skilled roles.

We bring together the best of both worlds to design and deliver this qualification from a Te Ao Māori perspective that will impact your kaimahi Māori and every part of your organisation, through a combination of learning, mentoring, and on-the-job skill development.

This course is perfect for those stepping into a new role in managing people or as a brush-up for those who have been managing others for some time but have not yet had the benefit of any formal training.

Best for

Staff who whakapapa Māori who want to develop and grow their leadership mahi


4 x two day noho marae wananga


Koha – funded via Te Puni Kōkiri Ministry of Māori Development

NZQA qualification

Yes, Level 3 Certificate in Business (Team Leadership)


Marae based


Public course

Graduates from this programme will be able to:

  • Reconnect with their whakapapa Māori and aspects of Te Ao Māori such as pepeha, waiata and karakia
  • Build knowledge of tikanga concepts and reflect on Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles to assist and strengthen them in their professional and personal lives
  • Identify and reflect on leadership styles across Māoridom and understand what is required to build an effective team
  • Learn to effectively communicate and deliver clear instructions and constructive feedback using techniques to motivate individual team members
  • Apply on-the-job training skills, prioritise tasks and increase performance.

Talk to us for more details

For more information on this course get in touch with our team on 09 622 3979. Or register your interest using the button below.

If the course is for your personal development, please ensure you have the support of your employer first.

Frequently asked questions

How is it delivered?

4 x face-to-face wānanga/intensives starting with a pōwhiri, graduation and follow-up check-in 2 months after the course ends.

Why take this course?

It’s the best mix of culture and heritage with self-study, group discussion, and learning through interesting, relevant content. Our learners love this mash-up of different formats which successfully engages everyone.

How does the project work?

During the course, participants learn how to manage a project. We start with an idea for improvement or innovation to benefit the workplace. We’ve found it’s a useful and relevant way to apply skills and benefit the company as well as the individual learner.

When is the next course running?

Sign up for our newsletter to be notified by email when new dates are released.

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