
Pop-up Train the Trainer

Thank you for reserving a place on our next Pop-up Train the Trainer course.

Your place is not confirmed until payment is received. Our team will be in touch shortly to complete your booking.




Central Auckland

NZQA qualification


Best for

Staff who train others regularly


8 am – 4.30 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16th

All dates are subject to minimum enrolments.


$585 + GST per person ($390 workshop + $195 coaching)

Company cohort pricing on request


People in environments where training is not their main role – but clearly communicating messages to others is part of their role.  For example, Quality Team, Supervisors, Health and Safety officers.

Participants will learn


  • Knowing your audience
      • How adults learn – practical tips and techniques
      • Identifying barriers to learning and how to mitigate these
      • Understanding diverse audiences: it’s not a one-size-fits-all
  • Writing SMART learning outcomes that keep training focused and targeted
  • Planning memorable learning that sticks by using evidence-based neuroscience


  • Transform boring PowerPoint slides into active engaging learning sessions with activities built-in
  • Chunking content to avoid information overload
  • Training different levels of participants – effectively
  • Personalising learning so that it’s meaningful and relevant
  • Evaluating and reflecting on training sessions

Post Workshop follow up

An extra hour of one-to-one coaching time with your Upskills facilitator to talk through lesson ideas and activities, or get personal feedback on an observed training session.  This is our tried and true way of ensuring all the learning from the workshop is applied back in the workplace.


  • Risk of misunderstandings mitigated – fewer mistakes occurring and consistent application of work practices
  • Strong learning culture which contributes to staff engagement and retention
  • Having effective trainers leads to a psychologically safe workplace where staff are confident to speak up
  • Opportunities for staff to step up into a training role and learn new skills


Next Course

Wednesday, 16th Oct 2024 – 8 am – 4.30 pm, Auckland venue.


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