Bringing new learning experiences to Auckland to ensure our Pasifika workforce is future-ready
This is the goal behind the release of six new micro-credentials in Project Ikuna.
We’re excited to bring Well-being, Introduction to Leadership, Pasifika Leadership Confidence and Kaitiakitanga (Sustainability) to our clients and learners from October 2022. These new learning courses are based on research with Auckland employers and a codesign process with participants.
Upskills worked on the design and undertook the pilot process of all four of these courses. Our thanks go to our early adopter clients at Life Health Foods, HEB Construction, Dempsey Wood and Solo.
“I’m learning about what leadership means to me, the duties and responsibilities of a leader,” says one of our participants at Life Health Foods.

Project Ikuna Manager, Tafā Iakopo, says the success of Pacific employees is at the heart of the micro-credentials, which assist organisations and individuals.
“What we know about Pasifika staff is they might not step forward for leadership opportunities, but rather wait to be asked. So this programme supports them to take that step forward.”
Many organisations have a wealth of untapped leadership talent sitting within their workforce. Commonly, a chiefly title or Matai status can be held by someone not yet in a leadership position at work. So, it makes sense to highlight all the transferrable skills we bring with us when we walk through the door at mahi. That’s why a Pacific leadership course has that point of difference and reaches a different group of potential leaders.
Talk to us if you’re keen to get your Pacific workforce future-ready. New Project Ikuna learning courses are ready to launch in October:
- Future Ready Wellbeing
- Future Ready Kaitiakitanga (Sustainability)
- Future Ready Introduction to Leadership
- Future Ready Pasifika Leadership Confidence
- Future Ready Assertiveness and Self-confidence
- Future Ready Preparing for your Financial Future